Check out this respirator user notice from the National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory via NIOSH.
From the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) –
Notice on HHS Ownership of Respirator Certification Marks
NIOSH, on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), registered several certification marks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that are specific to NIOSH Approved® respirators. These registered certification marks currently include the NIOSH stylized logos with and without full text, NIOSH Approved®, and certification marks, such as N95® and P100®, that correspond to the approved respiratory protection levels for powered and non-powered air-purifying respirators (APRs). The registered certification marks can be found on the NIOSH Post-market Evaluations Conducted by NIOSH webpage under the section Protecting End Users from Wearing Respirators Being Misrepresented as NIOSH Approved® Respirators. Only manufacturers who are NIOSH approval holders may use these registered certification marks. Any misuse of the aforementioned marks is a direct violation of applicable trademark law and may be subject to enforcement action. For more information, view the NIOSH Conformity Assessment Letter to Manufacturers, NIOSH CA 2023-1056.
Misrepresented respirators include all respirators that are falsely marketed and sold as NIOSH Approved respirators when they are not. Counterfeit respirators specifically refer to products trying to copy an actual NIOSH Approved model. Both counterfeit and misrepresented respirators may not be capable of providing the appropriate or necessary respiratory protection to workers and users. NIOSH posts information about misrepresented and counterfeit respirators here to alert users, purchasers, and manufacturers.
Learn more about how to identify NIOSH Approved respirators and counterfeits. View examples of counterfeit or misrepresented respirators below.
For the full notice, click here.
Logo courtesy of NIOSH.