
Black and Latino workers are dying of work-related injuries and illnesses at higher rates than all other workers.

The USW Tony Mazzocchi Center (TMC) stands with our union’s statement honoring Black History Month.

Nurses, nurse aides, EMTs and paramedics, pharmacists, dietary, environmental services, maintenance, lab assistants, office support, x-ray technicians, and others. All of these essential workers are Steelworkers.

OSHA enacted a respiratory protection standard in 1998, outlining employer responsibilities and worker's rights against respiratory hazards.

In 1998, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) enacted a respiratory protection standard which outlines employer responsibilities and worker’s rights regarding protection against respiratory hazards in the workplace.

USW members save lives. Yet every day, their own health and safety is at risk.

Please join us this month as we take a moment to reflect on the life and legacy of Tony Mazzocchi, who our organization is named after.

Read our recap of the 2023 USW Health, Safety and Environment Conference.

The USW Tony Mazzocchi Center stands with our union's message on Pride Month.

The United States is in a mental health crisis. Poor mental health has a big impact on workers at home and on the job. May is nationally recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month and has been since 1949. During this month, it is important to raise awareness on mental health disorders that workers may face every day as a result of poor work conditions.

Join us in remembering those who lost their lives, were injured or made ill on the job.

Please review the user safety notice from 3M Scott about the C420 Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) blowers.